It's always a good idea to make sure you bring everything you need to ensure your trip is the best that it can be for everyone in your party. We have included a checklist below for your convenience.

What To BringEffective September 1, 2019, you no longer need a license to hunt hogs in Texas!

  • Large Ice Chest Filled with plenty of ice for meat transport
  • Sleeping bag or blanket. We furnish clean sheets and pillows.
  • Canned or plastic Drinks (we serve iced tea, coffee and orange juice)
  • Snacks
  • Flashlight (headlamp is recommended)
  • Scent Eliminator
  • Camo Clothing (or dark clothing)
  • Safety harnesses for bow hunting
  • Rain Gear
  • Fishing Gear & Artificial Baits
  • Camera
  • Weapon & ammo*
  • Trash Bags to wrap your meat in (optional)
  • USB/Memory Stick (in case we do any recording for y'all on our equipment)
  • Bottled water, or something you can take with you to the blind

*Note: Whatever you hunt with, please have a scope/optic of some sort equipped on your rifle/shotgun. Much of our hunting is during low/no light settings. You will have light down range, but no light overhead to see your iron sights.

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